:orphan: UDP Class --------- Methods documented for `WiFiUDP Class `__ in `Arduino `__ 1. `begin() `__ 2. `available() `__ 3. `beginPacket() `__ 4. `endPacket() `__ 5. `write() `__ 6. `parsePacket() `__ 7. `peek() `__ 8. `read() `__ 9. `flush() `__ 10. `stop() `__ 11. `remoteIP() `__ 12. `remotePort() `__ Methods and properties described further down are specific to ESP8266. They are not covered in `Arduino WiFi library `__ documentation. Before they are fully documented please refer to information below. Multicast UDP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: cpp uint8_t beginMulticast (IPAddress multicast, uint16_t port) virtual int beginPacketMulticast (IPAddress multicastAddress, uint16_t port, IPAddress interfaceAddress, int ttl=1) IPAddress destinationIP () uint16_t localPort () The ``WiFiUDP`` class supports sending and receiving multicast packets on STA interface. When sending a multicast packet, replace ``udp.beginPacket(addr, port)`` with ``udp.beginPacketMulticast(addr, port, WiFi.localIP())``. When listening to multicast packets, replace ``udp.begin(port)`` with ``udp.beginMulticast(multicast_ip_addr, port)``. You can use ``udp.destinationIP()`` to tell whether the packet received was sent to the multicast or unicast address. For code samples please refer to separate section with `examples `__ dedicated specifically to the UDP Class.